Vanessa Buzzard

University of Arizona
BIO5 Institute, Keating Bldg
1657 E. Helen St.
Dr. Vanessa Buzzard is a research scientist in the School of Natural Resources and the Environment at the University of Arizona and is the leading the Campus Living Lab in Green Stormwater Infrastructure initiative. She earned her bachelor's and PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from the University of Arizona. Dr. Buzzard’s research has focused on understanding drivers of biodiversity and ecosystem function in response to climate and anthropogenic disturbances in natural and built environments. Her research aims to quantify shifts in physical, chemical, and biological soil health indicators in response to green stormwater infrastructure practices to understand restoration of ecosystem functions and co-benefits generated by stormwater capture and reuse. She is also interested in bridging understanding of green stormwater infrastructure performance through inter-, trans-, and cross-disciplinary collaborations.