Monitoring Sites at the Campus Living Lab
Monitoring GSI performance can be challenging, here at the Campus Living Lab, we installed long-term micrometeorological weather stations and soil moisture and temperature probes at three sites on campus to quantify differences between sites.
In collaboration with the University of Arizona's Department of Communications & Cyber Tech Data Science Institute, we created an interactive dashboard to display current micrometeorological data, visit the dashboard at GSI Campus Living Lab Dashboard.

Old Main
Rainwater harvesting basins were installed at Old Main in phases between 2012 and 2016 by the Rainwater Harvesting course in the Department of Environmental Science.

Gould Simpson
Rainwater harvesting basins were installed at Gould Simpson to support the establishment of the Arboretum's Resilience Garden which consists of drought-adapted legumes that were transplanted in 2020. The earthwork was completed in 2022 by the Rainwater Harvesting course in the Department of Environmental Science.

Physics and Atmospheric Sciences
Rainwater harvesting and a permeable bike path were installed by Facilities Management in 2018 to replace an old parking lot at Physics and Atmospheric Sciences.
"Making the world better through biogeochemistry."
In honor of Thomas Meixner - mentor, father, friend, scientist and leader